The Green Polkadot Box
Natural and Organic foods.  Of course you know they are better but healthy organic food can be expensive.  I know as a working mom of 2 small children I want to give their little bodies the highest quality food but also stick to our budget.

What if I told you there was a new buying club in town (like a Bj's or Costco) that only had healthy organic food and offered Natural and Organic Foods up to 60% off?  Plus they were giving away memberships for a limited time until November 1st (membership will start at $50 on November 2).   You might be thinking what's the catch?  Well, there is none.  I was REALLY skeptical when I first heard about it, but after doing a ton of research found that it's actually really amazing and I am ditching my BJ's membership (It's perfect timing as my membership is up for renewal next month!) in exchange for this free membership. 

I couldn't keep this sweet find to myself.  Click on the link below to find out more info and become a FREE member ($50 value), remember free membership is only until November 1st so don't delay! 

To Your Health!
Derek Leclerc
10/20/2011 12:50:06 pm


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